Happy New Year!

You can watch the video message here:


Treatment of the Month: New Year Refresher (see offers page for more details) – www.yctherapies.com/offers

Fabulous Fridays at Place Eight Wellness – Pilates / Meditation / Cafe

Pilates with Louisa: www.louisaharrispilates.co.uk
Mediation with Sonia: https://restoreu.co.uk/
Place Eight Wellness: https://placeeightwellness.co.uk/

Claims about ‘Blue Monday’ (which was yesterday) are baseless and is purely a PR stunt. However, it can be a challenging time of year and so here are some mood-boosting ideas and thoughts for a positive mindset in 2022.
The Power of Gratitude – Practising gratitude will bring a host of benefits such as a greater sense of self-worth, better sleep and stronger immune systems. Focus on the positive and give thanks. Consider what you are grateful for and share!
Cold Water Therapy – There are great mental health benefits from cold water swimming.  You could even try cold showers which will invigorate you for the day ahead.  Cold showers are something I do myself!
Work Less – The pandemic has made us reassess our relationship with work. Working less hours means more family time and can lead to many benefits for our wellbeing and society in general.
Try a New Perspective – See the world around you differently by doing simple things like choosing to walk or bike to work (or via a different route) and appreciate the nature surrounding us.  You might just discover some new things.
The Power of Kindness – Kindness is contagious. One single act of altruism can positively affect up to 125 people!  It can bring communities together.  The pandemic is a fine example of how so many kind acts helped bring people together.
Focus on the Positive – Even though the pandemic has caused massive struggling for some, there are some positive outcomes.  For example, vaccines have brought hope and will help kick Covid-19 into touch.
You Are Enough – the pursuit of perfection is damaging to our health (phew, I’ll stop that right now!!)

Posted: January 26, 2022